Three workshops will be offered on the Monday morning before the main conference. Please register for a workshop during the online registration process. Also indicate if you will require an extra night accomodation for Sunday (no dinner, breakfast included) @ R1450.00.

1. Academic Writing for Junior Informaticians / Computer Scientists (09h00-12h00)

Participation-condition: Pre-Doc, i.e. not yet having obtained a PhD, and being of junior age (under 30).

Every participant will bring along a draft-paper. Mini-groups of participants will then sit together, criticise the draft, papers, and mutually suggest improvements.

All participants must also bring along with them a laptop and a copy of the book "Writing for Computer Science" by Justin Zobel, either on paper or as e-book on a Laptop computer. The book is available for free on the internet.

Presenter: Professor Gruner, who is an experienced academic writer, will act as 'facilitator' and will moderate the group-discussions among the juniors.

2. South African Computer Accreditation Board - SACAB (10h00-11h00)

Update on the documentation requirements for SACAB.

Presenter: Professor Andre Calitz.

3. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Educate and Academy Programs (09h00 -12h00)

Session Description and Rationale: Cloud computing is transforming the world and creating an overwhelming demand for cloud-proficient employees. AWS Education Programs tackle this need by providing an academic gateway for the next generation of IT and cloud professionals.

AWS Educate and AWS Academy are global programs that provide educational institutions, educators, and students with resources to develop cloud-computing skills and prepare students to enter a cloud technology-enabled workforce. The workshop will comprise of an overview of AWS Education Programs, followed by addressing any questions raised by workshop participants. Participants will also be provided with a high level sign on and onboarding guide to AWS Education Programs.



AWS Educate and AWS Academy Overview

2 hours

AWS Educate and AWS Academy Sign on and Onboarding Guide

30 minutes

Question & Answer Session

30 minutes


Presenter: Ms Thandi Majola