It is with great excitement that the School of Computing at the University of South Africa invites you to the 48th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA), to be held in the northern Drakensberg, South Africa, from 15 to 17 July 2019. The northern Drakensberg is particularly well known as a tourist attraction and accommodation area, with many famous features such as the Amphitheatre, which rises 1000 m straight up over a distance of 5 kilometres, and the Tugela Falls, which is the 2nd highest waterfall in the world. Numerous national parks offer many beautiful walks and hikes.
The objective of SACLA is to promote co-operation among South African and Southern African Universities, specifically in order to further the method and contents of university education in the field of computing. The annual conference brings together lecturers, researchers, students, industry and society interested in the field of computing education, and for this reason it provides an opportunity to network and learn from one another.
The conference theme for 2019 is Computing Matters of Course! The conference logo not only points at what makes a successful lecturer (mind and head in gear) but at the role SACLA 2019 will play in getting your mind and head in gear.