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Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1

Posted by Mano-77915739 
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avatar Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 07, 2013 08:07PM

As a get to know each other, I would love to have more thoughts on what do you think of the future of the internet? How will it change? Will all knowledge become eventually open source?

My opinion: The future of the internet is endless as currently in the mobile industry, DATA generates the most revenue, 30% more than VOICE? Is it the launch of socialising on the web, via Facebook, Whatsapp, BBM? I think that the internet will continue to grow and everything in your house will become wireless - your fridge will only give you the shopping list to sign off and click order. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Your TV will give you endless options of watching what you want, when you want it. I also are of the opinion that everything needs to happen faster, and everything needs to have a resolution faster, because we are all connected via the internet.


Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 08, 2013 10:55AM
The internet of everything (IOE) will definetely become a reality. Some futuristic view is that the voiceless will have a voice, buildings will communicate to divices, so will streets, your mbile will let you know - sleep late- or be stuck in traffic......your mobile will advice you on what to wear, integrating wheather forecasts with appointment entries.smoking smiley
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 08, 2013 11:22AM
A client of my uncle's IT company at the moment in Fourways has a Fully funtional Wi-fi enabled house working off Solar energy.

Every thing is Working on wireless tech.From the Windows,the lights, the Blindes, Tv, sound systems. Every thing.
i think the only thing that is not wireless is the Dogs.

Every Room in the House Is running on Linksys Router with then Connected Via Cat5e ethernet to the Server room.
the where the Eye Candy is in the Living room is a full fuctional Media System.

My first day in that house was really a feeling to a glimps of the Future. so we are really not that far away with full wireless enviroment.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 08, 2013 11:25AM
Here is my view on the questions in the Handbook.

1.My goal for getting a Technical introduction to the internet. Is to understand how the internet works and to get a different view on how all this magical stuff appears on the web page. You insert a URL in the address bar and all this awesome stuff appears and it’s never the same it changes every day. But how? Who does it? Or is it SKYNET!.....

2. So this brings me to my First introduction To the WORLD WIDE WEB.I first Discover a Google Search page at the age of 6. MAN OH MAN! The world is at your Fingertips. Everything you wanted to know this thing can answer for you. It was Revolutionary. The first thing I wanted to know was what. What is a cloud made of? I was disappointed to know it was nothing like candy floss like in the Cartoons.

3. The thing that impressed me the most about the Internet was At the Fast pace news is Distributed across the Net. Is something happens in this second Now By tomorrow it will be on Youtube,twitter,facebook,news24,Personal email address, mobile phone where ever. It’s just depends on the time zone but any info from any part of the world can be relayed in a instant Seconds.

4. This comes to the positive and negative of the internet on the Global economy and society. Let’s take the World wide know Company of eBay and some local Trading Website Gum-tree (Scam tree as I know it) because of my experience on it. You can Buy and sell absolutely everything on this websites. It requires you to open an account and give you’re location details and contact info for trading on goods. For the Economy it is a great thing as it gives you the Confidence to trade from the safety of your own home and the economy has a great cash flow and that keeps it strong. Then we get to the society aspect. It’s a 50/50 chance that its good and bad. It depends on the type of people you do business on this websites. Negative is you cannot deal directly with the person which resulted in people disappearing with the money from the Buyer and not receiving the goods. Leaves you with nothing but a bad taste in your mouth.

5. The Internet has Change a lot in since the first time I accessed it. It has become More Vivid. Improved graphics better sound quality and extremely easy to use. But also without adult supervision the internet can be just as dangerous as n loaded Gun to your Child.Luckly! The Security Features on the Web has also improved a lot. For example its so secure you can do online banking.

6. The internet has also fueled the Growth in Free software so much that basically. You can run your Business from home with free software on anything IT related.Google services allows you to setup email Communication.Instant message to clients with Google talk, Secure online file storage with Google drive, just to give a few. For your cash flow side there is Free accounting software like turbo cash. Then FNB offers Free online Banking. Linux is a free Operating system for your business PC as well.So with all the Free software on the market you get a significant headstart into the IT environment.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 08, 2013 01:46PM
Hi Guys

To add to what you have just pointed.

Internet has changed so much since I started to logging.

Talking about eStatements were an electronic statement is send to your email address with ability to make the payment with just one click on your statement. That click direct you to your relevant section and you can just process your payment. How cool is that...this method it will be forever improved. People will be able to make all electronic transactions at just one click. I see banking industry is going paperless by using electronic billing and commercial industry with their promotional newsletters they ensure people can be able to shop online with just a click on the newsletter talking about the "buy online" button.

With the Internet I'm not talking emails anymore which was the thing that actually edge me to log in but right now I would tell you was able to find knowledge about so many things. And it has improved my life in so many ways. From now on and to the next seconds, minutes, hours and etc someone somewhere is thinking how to improve certain things on the Internet and I tell you it will forever grow and improve for better use.
avatar Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 08, 2013 02:31PM

Check out this link that I came across... Funny and interesting at the same time:


avatar Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 10, 2013 01:57PM

What I definitely see happening now is the use of more web applications, desktop applications as we know it are going out of the window.
Internet is so much easier to manage (small scale) than individual desktop PCs.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 10, 2013 04:40PM
I like what I am seeing here.... collaboration, feedback and chat. Without these, this course and what you learn would be so much poorer. It could not be otherwise - the web is a dynamic environment! Which is why this is an online course. Overnight things can change.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 11, 2013 10:54AM
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 18, 2013 12:42PM
Hello everyone!

1. I'd say my goal for getting a "technical introduction to the internet" is to gain a better understanding of how the internet works. Having just finished a three year graphic design course I imagine learning more about the web could only be beneficial to my career since so much happens over the internet nowadays. Also hoping to be able to start doing some online advertising and web developing in the near future after learning what i need to know!

2. My first introduction to the internet kind of brought me out of the stone age, it was 2001 and we had just gotten a dial-up connection at home. Needless to say it felt like Christmas came early that year. My uncle (who knew the internet already) came over to show us how it works and I have been best buds with the internet since.

3. I was most impressed with how much fun the internet was compared to all the boring books I was so used to at that stage, being more visually orientated I found it fascinating to see pictures and even videos online. It also made school projects waaay quicker than looking things up in the public library.

4. I would have to say the greatest thing about the internet is how quickly information can spread, having studied graphic design and mainly advertising I know the impact that the internet has on gaining exposure, especially when it comes to advertising. A small business in Timbaktu can be seen by a multibillion dollar corporation in America (just an example). This means EVERYONE has the opportunity to gain from the internet in one way or another. Its also cheaper/free to advertise on the internet compared to advertising in newspapers or on television which costs approximately R1 000 000 for a 10 second ad! That is the positive side. The negative side of the internet might be the danger of being exposed to online predators, and you can never be 100% sure who you are communicating with. Cyber terrorism is another danger, since your computer, bank account etc could get hacked. The positives outweigh the negatives though

5.Since my first encounter with the internet the most noticable change must be the speed it can operate at. Think 10meg uncapped compared to that stupid old dial-up connection. It has also become way more user friendly, allowing almost anyone to put up their own "website" or blog. It has also made life easier with internet banking.

6. The internet is a rapidly growing entity, and it will continue to grow since since everyone has a need to gain knowledge. Since most of the information on the internet is free it can reach a larger target audience as long as they have access to the internet, be it via cellphone or computer. This global sharing of information allows everyone to voice an opinion or share their knowledge with everyone else. This means open source software can constantly be improved. No man is an island.

7. The fact that everyone can voice an opinion and find people who share that opinion online no matter where in the world they are, is one of the best characteristics of the internet. People can stay up to date with important current affairs. A negative aspect of the internet is that once something is out there you cant stop it from spreading whether you want to or not.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 18, 2013 06:13PM
Do we have to answer Task 1B-1, 1C-1, etc. somewhere else on the forum as well?
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 19, 2013 12:53PM
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 20, 2013 12:13AM
Hi Everyone

1 I want to specialize on internet and web design,most of the youth is intrested to be online.
2 I was amazed by this application called DROPBOX,it gives me access to my computer using my phone
3 It is fast when logging,colourful and everything is in order
4 (POSITVE about W3C) keeps us connected to our loved once abroad also get free information online
5 I do not wait for long time signal or to be connected
6 Every body loves freebie,when they say FREE information most youth does not work so such culture got to us.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 25, 2013 08:39PM
My thoughts on the future of the internet:

The internet has been largely about connecting people to information and in the last couple of years more about connecting people to people and people to business.
I agree with Mano that everything needs to happen faster. For the future, I expect a network of highly intelligent machines that connect, communicate and cooperate with us.
I am not talking about a world run by robots – but a combination of the world’s best technologies to solve one of our biggest challenges – an infrastructure for a growing population worldwide. For this we have to establish common standards globally so that innovative people can develop the best solutions for the machines that make our world move!
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
February 25, 2013 11:34PM
no: 78036194.

1. The reason for this course is to enhance my marketing career. It will allow me to create and communicate well which will increase my career prospects.

2. I wen to a library one day, to study for my assignment, I had the opportunity to use the Internet and I've not look back since then.

3. I was very impressed with the amount of information I was able to get in few seconds.

4. Having an easy access to information help users to gain more knowledge on the topic they are searching for. Internet has impacted socially, politically, economically in the world as a whole. Its easy to build relationships on the net. People are using the Internet as a place where they can buy and sell, this enhances the economy. Politically, look at the uprising in Egypt, it all hap pend through the Internet.

5. The world wide web have changed dramatically for the better. It works faster compared to when it was introduced. The Internet is no longer accessed through Pic's only but also through cellphones, tablets etc.

6. Users benefit greatly from Internet. Internet users are able to get newspaper, magazines, books, movies, songs, electronics among others.

7. The fact that it has become easy for communication on the web. people are using face book, Twitter among others have made things easy. Advertisers,
politicians, economist find it use full in their various environment.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
March 02, 2013 02:27PM
Even though I look forward to the Internet opening up a whole new world, I am concerned about trust and security. The Internet and especially virtual worlds fool the user into thinking he/she is anonymous.
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
March 09, 2013 07:15PM
Hi There,

1. My goal is getting down and dirty with the magic of the internet. It has become difficult, as an aspiring Systems Developer, to not be able to translate the log files of a web server.
The technical build behind the www and the internet will help give insight as to how everything works together, that way, troubleshooting will be easier.

2. I was first introduced to the internet on my first year of varsity, the term "Intranet" was new. That's when I found out where the www got all of its information, from a series of intranets.
as for the www, primary school. The computer class teacher handed us an assignment that required that we use an alternative method of research. She told the library assistant to ban us from using the facility. we had to do our research on the internet. And so we were introduced to search engines such as Google and Yahoo.

3. The first encounter with the search engines was very confusing! I only knew how to use the library's catalog box, so the 1 input box and a button was unnerving. How was I supposed to find what Im looking for in such a small place? That was my first though. grinning smiley

4. The internet and www are amazing inventions of the 21st century;
4. 1. Positive impacts on the society include the possibility of cultures interacting to share knowledge base, without ever leaving their regions. Before the internet, cultures had to travel to find new inventions and technologies.
4. 2. Negative impacts on the society include the possibility and trend of human rights violations, crimes on the internet can be rife as there are no sufficient sensors and laws on the use of and addition of information put on the internet.
4. 3. Positive impacts on the global economy include the constant availability of business, as well as the market reach and demand creation. Marketing does not cost business as it did before.
4. 4. Negative impacts the global economy includes loss of currency as there is now less brick 'n mortar companies. Clients have less guarantee that the business and money transferred is legit.

5. There are more www interfaces available, each with its own unique ability other than helping user's access the internet. User's now have a variety of www providers that can suit their connectivity needs, be it for hand held devices or personal computers with different operating systems.

6. The "Free Information" culture has fueled the use of the internet as there is no monopoly for both internet software providers and hardware vendors. Consumers have a variety of choice when it comes to choosing connectivity to the www and the internet.

KMF Ledwaba - 77862139
Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
April 16, 2013 03:36PM

My name is Sizwe Mkhonto and I would like to thank every one on this forum for sharing, your inputs are priceless.

Concerning the future of the internet i think its the most unpredictable industry ever with an undetermined future, some people say it has always been there long before the 20th century and it will still be there long after we are gone but i don't think it will still be called what we call it today (the internet).

So explore, contribute, learn and most of all enjoy its only as good as you make it to be.

Re: Considering the impact of Internet Culture: Lesson 1: Task 1A-1
April 28, 2013 11:38PM
After completing the section on Technical introduction to the Internet, I have a whole new understanding and appreciation for the Internet and how far it has come since its inception as well as how quickly it has evolved to what we have today. It is difficult to imagine a world without the Internet now and I am sure in the next 5 to 10 years it will evolve into something much more advanced than we can imagine right now.

The Internet has impacted our lives in so many ways by connecting friends, family, businesses, organisations all over the planet and yet it is sad to think that there are some parts of this world that have no access to this amazing Internet. We have access to a world of information at our fingertips. In the future, I see the Internet evolving to a point where connection capabilities are much faster and more people are connected even in the most remote part of the world.

However with the positives there are the negatives, security and privacy being the most important for me. The Internet has caused us to be less guarded with our personal information in an environment where users can be complete strangers. In the future Internet security will be the biggest challenge for all users.

I am grateful that I decided to do this course, now I look at the Internet with more insight, I have always been interested in what goes on in the background. I am more enlightened with every new thing I learn from this course.

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