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CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D

Posted by antiother-77681541 
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avatar CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D
July 10, 2012 01:08PM
i don't like floating elements to decide page layout too much because if you float elements to either side they will wrap or overflow depending on the width of the parent and if you zoom in too much or if you view your page on a lower resolution screen even if you try to control the overflow and wrapping.
Re: CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D
August 16, 2012 11:41AM
Floating looks good and I will have to experiment a lot more to find fault. Granted, I don't have access to other screens (resolutions), but as for the zooming - you win some, you loose some
Re: CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D
August 22, 2012 04:49PM
Of course, it’s all about when you use which method. In some cases, absolute positioning breaks faster and it’s better to use floats, while in other situations it’s better to use absolute positioning because floats would break the layout. luckily for us, there is one very simple rule:

If elements should not interact, use absolute positioning, if they should, use floats.
avatar Re: CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D
September 11, 2012 09:00AM
When I followed the instructions of the activity in the book, my #main container actually overlapped the two nav containers... And I've been playing around with it and I just can't seem to get it right...
Re: CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D
September 14, 2012 01:08PM
I really battled with positioning and I'm not sure that I have fully mastered it in terms of adapting my pages to different browsers so that they fill the space correctly. However what I found was that everything in CSS began to work better for me once I understood the concept of parenting and dividers. In fact dividers have made my life so much simpler in setting up pages. I can create dividers within overall parent dividers so that the parent can sit on the page in an absolute position while the inner contents can float and so on.

I seem to be getting better at this but am really nervous about what is going to happen when I publish my portfolio. I hope that what my home browsers give me reflect in the same way once published.
Re: CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D
October 07, 2012 01:02PM
I figured out the hard way that floating elements cause overflow (if that's the right way to state it smile ) when zooming in and out, however I think I've sorted that out now by decreasing the widths of my floating and container elements. It took some trial and error, but I got there. Whether it will work on all resolutions I'm not sure, but as you said Nella, you win some, you lose some.

RMC I too am a bit worried that I'm spending so much time on the portfolio to only find when I publish something goes wrong. To ease my mind I published the whole website in the early stages and everything seemed fine. However anything can wrong later... it's probably something that will always be worrisome. I'm trying to finish the portfolio a week before the due date so that I can fix any issues should they arise.

Here's to hoping everything goes according to plan thumbs up
Re: CSS: Lesson 3: Topic D
October 08, 2012 03:20PM
Thanks for that JGLab. I've been debating whether to publish my website early and make changes later. I thought I should wait until it is close to ready but if you have already done that it seems like a good way to go.

I have found that floating images is really nice and about the only time that I have used this . I couldn't work out the padding until I realised that in fact I had to add the padding to p tag not my img tag.
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