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Help with registration
January 20, 2009 11:45PM
Hi all,
I presume those of you reading this post have already registered for your honours. Well I am TRYING to but apparently to register for an honours you need to fill in the registration form as well as fill in an application form.
Could anyone tell me if this is true? Can anyone tell me where I can get the $%*& thing! Trying to get any information of people supposedly working at Unisa is like - well, I would say pulling teeth but with pulling teeth at least when you feel the pain you know you're getting somewhere.

Also, if anyone can give me information like text books etc I would appreciate it, as I don't know when my registration will actually be processed (I have a loooooong history of administrative problems with Unisa).
Re: Help with registration
January 21, 2009 11:00PM
Hi Michelle,

No idea if this is the same problem I'm running into. I registered via the Web, but part of that process included filling in a form outlining which courses I took at UNISA including the grades. I kept it at my 3rd year modules for the most part. This gave me a pre-registration/admission number which was required before you could continue to the course registration. Of course I had to fax AND send in my original transcripts to back up my claim. I couriered my transcripts so at least I know that UNISA got the package.

Given that you managed to get to course registration you should be fine. Having said that I'm in a similar boat where I have registered back on Dec. 2/08 and I'm still in a "Pending" state. Any emails I've sent have gone unanswered thus far, and I'm getting nervous. I've also had issues with registration in the past (oh some stories I could share) and given that tomorrow is the last day for registrations, I'm getting concerned. It's also possible that they are queuing the registrations until the final day, then just doing a batch processing job. That's what I'm hoping for, even if it is very inefficient.
Re: Help with registration
January 22, 2009 12:05AM
Why oh why do I need to send academic transcripts when they are Unisa transcripts to begin with eye rolling smiley ? Well, thanks for the answer, John.
Two things - first of all, registration for Honours close on the 5th of March 2009.
Secondly, my final year at Unisa I registered in January and my registration was finalised somewhere in MARCH - two weeks before the first assignment was due. And that was only after repeated calls to the registrar's office to find out what was going on. The contact center was useless. I suggest you contact the registrar by phone, don't bother with email unless you phone to back it up, and lean on them to find out what's going on. You'll have to keep phoning because 9 times out of 10 the phones just ring. Whenever I phone Unisa I have this image in my head of a long empty corridor with phones ringing and noone is there to answer it - sort of like the twilight zone smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Help with registration
January 23, 2009 08:01AM
Hi Michelle

The honours year officially only begins in april, so relax smiling smiley Did you specify that your undergrad degree was at unisa- they should automatically pick up your transcripts then.... maybe register on the web - that is if they haven't gone and closes the frikking registration pages again this year.

good luck!

If I go back this year then I have the joy of having to register in person *cry*
Re: Help with registration
February 02, 2009 06:06PM
So I'm not sure if you've had any change of luck or not Michelle, but I've just received confirmation of my registration today. Seems that their "minimum of two weeks" message that they've recently posted on the registration page can translate to "up to two months" which is how long it took for them to complete my registration. In any case first assignments aren't until May, so that's nice to see at least. Now perhaps I can make sure that I get all my study materials, textbooks, etc, in time. smile

If Celene was right and they didn't require the original transcripts then I'm going to be quite upset. I spent over $100 CAD sending those stupid transcripts back via courier so that I could be sure that they arrived within their 10 day window. Oh well, provided that now the registration is complete I'm happy. I hope you see similar success shortly, if you haven't already!
Re: Help with registration
February 03, 2009 09:14AM
Two months! Well yay to you smiling bouncing smiley - I presume you're in Canada? It's a pain to be in a different time zone and not know what's happening, so you must be very relieved! I saw on the registration status screen that my registration has been sent to the college for approval - surely they wouldn't have done that if they didn't have my transcripts? Sorry, John - it looks like you wasted your money. At least, I hope you did cause I haven't sent any transcripts smiling smiley
So Celene are you taking this year off? Or are you done? For your sake I hope you won't have to brave the halls of Unisa in person *shudder*.
Anonymous User
Re: Help with registration
February 03, 2009 11:48AM
waiting for my results - cause I can't do anything till I get those. If they are bad then I will have to register for some weird subject, if they are good then I am going to have to brave the halls of unisa in person confused smiley
Re: Help with registration
February 03, 2009 04:47PM
Yes, I'm in Canada. Frustrating is putting it mildly! I remember one time having to get the Ombudsman involved in a dispute simply because nobody was returning my emails, nor were they acknowledging previous emails written by the UNISA staff. Amazing how quickly things were resolved once I got the Ombudsman involved. smile

I say that if your application has been sent to the college for approval then that should be fine. Mine said that my registration was in process for 2 months, but given that they closed down the web registration (supposedly, on the same page they say that registration is open until March 5, 2009) they might have just done a bulk-load of the registrations. Sigh.
avatar Re: Help with registration
February 11, 2009 07:41PM

i got this today in my email....


Dear Mr Pillemer

I refer to your proposed registration for the 2009 academic year.

Kindly note , however , that this registration can only be finalised once the results of the January / February 2009 examinations have been released ( usually during the first week of March ).

Kind regards
Chris Dalporto

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Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem
Re: Help with registration
February 11, 2009 08:28PM
lol, did you have any exams in Jan/Feb?
avatar Re: Help with registration
February 11, 2009 11:14PM
yes. And I registered for the project module which is dependant on 462 (which I wrote today).

  ,= ,-_-. =.
 ((_/)o o(\_))
  `-'(. .)`-'
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem
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