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Tutorial Letter for INF420

Posted by LouisH 
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Tutorial Letter for INF420
March 14, 2006 09:39AM
I have registered via the web.
Its seems that some time will pass before UNISA will send me the first tutorial letter.

Is it possible for someone to post the electronic version (pdf or doc file) on this site. I just need to know the full details of the required text book, articles and the first assignment due date.


PS. Ernest S, why so quiet?
avatar Re: Tutorial Letter for INF420
March 14, 2006 04:34PM
Hi there!
if you go to @#$%&, you can download all tutorial letters in electronic format. You will need a username and password, which is supplied in COSALL.

Hope this helps!
March 15, 2006 04:18AM
Don't make the same mistake I did last year!!!!!

Don't download the tutorials.
Don't do the assignments.
And please don't notice just as you are about to submit a few minutes before hand-in time that THE ASSSIGNMENT IS FOR THE WRONG #&%$!!# YEAR!!!!!

The only downloads available are for 2005.

I sent an email to the lecturer about this last week, but nothing has happened yet in this subject. I have also written to the head of the school, because this is the case in 4 out of 5 of my subjects. Halfway through march already and I can't start studying or get official confirmation of the textbook.

The interest of the lecturers in their subjects and students well-being is disgusting.

Please write to the lecturers, and see if some noise will wake them up. Think it would also be worth writing to the head of School - Prof Venter at:
and make him aware that this is a problem for a lot of students - he actually took the time to reply too, but think it would be good if he heard from a few more of us. I haven't quite given up on unisa completely yet (or maybe I just want SOMETHING for they money they were happy to take), so lets see if we can encourage a tiny bit of service from them.
aha... getting there
March 15, 2006 04:26AM
Seems that the material is available through the my* site... as of today anyway, if the "last modified" field is accurate.

the material on osprey is still old though.
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