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Exam Preperation

Posted by InSaNiE 
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Exam Preperation
October 21, 2011 07:20PM
Hey all

I was just wondering how everyone's exam preparation is going?
I'm slightly very behind with mine, and I doubt I am going to even get through all the work before Wednesday (and COS371 on Tuesday doesn't help). The amount of information and theory for this subject is a bit overwhelming.
Over the next few days though, I'm going to focus on the past exam papers and self assignments - they seem to be (and I quote) - "extremely important".
Any one have any thoughts on what to focus on, etc?
avatar Re: Exam Preperation
October 21, 2011 07:38PM
If you follow Social Cafe, same suggestion as offered to Marina. Do one thing. (Keep doing that, but go to sleep at a reasonable hour, and maybe take naps when you get tired in between).

If you want company in trepidation, well I can't but help feel a certain dread of Tuesday plus Wednesday as well... it's just that I know that looking too hard at that isn't going to help me. Even getting into "fight instead of flight" mode doesn't help much in subjects where really what you need to do is to Choose...

Choose ...

Important word that ....

Choose. To Think.

You're going to have to use your noggin, so keep it as cool as you can.

(Now pardon my while I run off to do something frantic ...)
Re: Exam Preperation
October 22, 2011 10:33AM
Got to love eddy's posts grinning smiley

I've got COS371 on Tuesday as well, and this paper on Wed, and then COS372 on Thursday... So yeah, I think I'm feeling the stress a bit.

But I'm almost finished with the prep for this module, well as far as what I plan to go anyway, and I think I have the most of the basics covered. My attempt at getting all this in, was to divide and conquer, as mentioned previously. Basically, given the structure of the past papers, etc, the work to be studied appears to be from Chapter 4 onwards. First however, just read through Chapter 2. Don't worry to study it - judging by the past papers, the questions revolve around Chapters 4 - 8. By reading through Chapter2 though, you get that idea of what everything is about again.

Then, I broke Chapters 4 to 8 into mini sections. Such as Lighting, Shading, Texture Mapping, Hidden Surface Removal, Viewing and Projections, Clipping, and Anti-Aliasing.And then the Math related question from Chapter 4 (rotation, scaling, translation, normalisation, etc). Now technically, lighting and shading for example, overlap, but by dividing it into those categories I made it easier to get into my head, as well as focus on a particular topic instead of panicking that there's so much to get through. It was just a comfort thing. But it also had a further advantage in that when going through the past papers, it was easier to single out questions based on these categories.

Then on Tuesday evening, when the dust has settled from COS371, and I'm back from work, I'll do a quick revise and a quick read through the chapters again for potential small questions. Not that I'm worrying to much about those small questions - losing one or two marks for a "short" question doesn't worry me. As long as the big hitters are accounted for, I'll pass... Hopefully.
avatar Re: Exam Preperation
October 22, 2011 04:16PM
Hole in t' ground?? ... We used to Dream of livin' in a hold in t' ground! ... We used to live in a cardboard box in middle of t' roawd! ... Every day at 3 o' clock in t' mornin' we'd get oop an' lick the tarmac for breakfast ...

After that endeavour you'll be good and ready for Everest. Ouch. It actually hurts to imagine it.

And what on earth were the people who devised the timetable smoking when they came up with that?

Good luck. Looks very much like you've left as little as possible to chance, but that part which depends on luck? ... Here, have some. I'm feeling lucky, so I can share a bit.
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