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These are some typical questions that are asked every semester

Posted by TvD 
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These are some typical questions that are asked every semester
February 25, 2009 10:35AM
These are some typical questions that are asked every semester:
You can also download it here: http://cs-cert.unisa.ac.za/internet/QnA.txt
Lesson 5 follow up says do you prefer to modify text styles using the <font> tag or CSS, but no exercise on modifying text with CSS was covered. p.91
Then again in Discovery Activity 6.1 (p.113) we’re required to modify a font color using CSS.
I could only figure this out by going to the completed Northport file and looking at what was done.
Did I miss something or are there practical examples / references not covered in the text book?
To my knowledge we’ve not covered any CSS stuff or is this assumed knowledge prior to starting the web design course.
This is probably a mistake in the HTML part of the Masterskill manual
They have assumed that you have done the CSS manual already - you can go back to this section after you have done the CSS lessons.
Where can I download the lesson files?
I struggled quite a bit with the image map…are there other exercises in this regard I can practice on?
Ok remember that image maps cause significant accessibility problems – and their use is not really recommended
The better way to do it is to slice your image into smaller parts and assign links to each of the image sections
Additional info here:
Can anybody help me in solving the first step of "Lesson4Lab1 Creating an Image Map"?
first step: post the images/elliotco.gif image to a location on the Internet
I am sure it is easy but something holds me back from solving it...
All it is is as they explain: "you must have access to the Internet and a location at which you can store the image..."
Therefore the easiest is just to use your surname folder in osprey and upload the image file there...
Then the url is: cs-cert.unisa.ac.za/toby/yoursurname/elliottco.gif (add http:// in front)
Hey i want to use the scrollbar colours like on p177. But i'm not to sure how to code works or where to put it in.
The easiest is to to use online tools to generate the code such as
I also attach a word file http://cs-cert.unisa.ac.za/internet/InternetExplorer.doc explaining it - but do not use these scrollbars in tyour projects because they only work in IE not in Firefox
I cannot solve the problem with my scrolling message - works perfectly at home but no joy when uploaded to osprey. I have the following code in the <Head> section:
var msg = "Welcome to Steve's Assignment Two Web Page.........."
function showMsg()
window.status = msg
msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length) + msg.substring(0,1)
scrollmsgID = setTimeout("showMsg()",150)
and the following in the <body>
<body onLoad = "showMsg()">
Comments, particularly any that would make it work would be appreciated
I think you missed the hint in assignment2.pdf:
NB: After you uploaded your assignment you may find that your scrolling message no longer works. Your scrolling message will work on the osprey server when viewed using IE7 but you have to put its security settings to medium and not medium high. It also works in Firefox provided you go to the settings and for JavaScript advanced check the box that says allow "change status bar text"
Also see:
If someone can tell me how to create a link to the FBI home page from the roll-over image, that would be nice.
Just change the imageswap.zip in your downloads folder slightly to:
<title>Random Images</title>
<!-- Begin
image1 = new Image();
image1.src = "red.gif";
image2 = new Image();
image2.src = "yellow.gif";
// End -->
<h1>Stroke the square</h1>
<a href="[fbi.gov"];
<img name="image2" src="red.gif" border=0></a>
I'm stucked with the pop-up window in section(c). When I click on the link, I can't get this pop-up window with the picture. I've tried with Javascript, and I'm totally lost...
Anyone can help me quickly?
For the new window see:
as an alternative to using Javascript such as:
function openWindow(address)
{ window.open(address);
<A href = "javascriptyawning smileypenWindow('somepic.jpg'winking smiley"> Pop Up Picture</A>
The somepic.jpg can also be a *.htm file...
I can't get my tooltip to work for the assignment 2 hedy lamarr picture. I've tried many codes in the section and it doesn't allow it. it shows in status bar: error on page. I've used javascript language to do it.

Creating a tooltip is much easier when html is used. Use the following tag...
<img src='image url' alt='Hedy Lamarr'>
does anybody has a small hint for me regarding assignment 2:
the roll-over button linking to FBI homepage
the prominent link opening own picture in pop-up window
I am fighting since the weekend and now I am so confused that I am completely lost.
I would very much appreciate any kind of hint bringing me back to the right path.
See assignment2.pdf:
An example of a very simple button rollover is in the download folder. It is called imageswap.zip. Unzip it and try to use the code and images in a simple HTML page by copying the code below to notepad and saving it as for example test.htm. Try replacing the yellow.gif and red.gif with your own two images, and remember to then change the yellow.gif and red.gif in the htm file with your own two image names - do not change anything else except if you put this code in your assignment2.htm also change the imageswap.htm below to assignment2.htm.
The code is:
<title>Random Images</title>
<!-- Begin
image1 = new Image();
image1.src = "red.gif";
image2 = new Image();
image2.src = "yellow.gif";
// End -->
<h1>Stroke the square</h1>
<a href="imageswap.htm"
<img name="image2" src="red.gif" border=0></a>

For the new window see:
as an alternative to using Javascript such as:

function openWindow(address)
{ window.open(address);
<A href = "javascriptyawning smileypenWindow('somepic.jpg'winking smiley"> Pop Up Picture</A>
The somepic.jpg can also be a *.htm file...
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