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Task 6A-1

Posted by Dryden 
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Task 6A-1
July 16, 2008 07:42PM
Task 6A-1.

a.)What sort of hacking tools and techniques are described or readily available for download?
•Metagoofil v 1.4 – Metadata and Information gathering tool.
•wwwhack v1.9 – attempts to crack websites which are protected by web access password.
•JTR v1.7 – password cracker
•Superscan - TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver
•Wireshark – “Sniffer” / network protocol analyser
•Keystroke recorders

b.)How do suppose these techniques might be prevented?
•First you have to identify the weaknesses and vulnerability in your system. Continuously monitor security oversight discussion forums which may highlight vulnerabilities in the software you use.
•Ensure that the latest operating system and web browser security updates are installed.
•Install anti-virus / anti-spyware software and ensure that it remains updated.
•Install a firewall to prevent unauthorised users from gaining access to your computer.

c.)Is it good that such detailed instructions are so freely available on the internet?
d.)Should network administrators monitor hacker sites? Why or why not?

Yes and yes. Just as hackers research vulnerabilities in systems and software, so too must administrators actively monitor and research hacking tools and techniques. The idea is for administrators to audit their systems to highlight vulnerabilities. By using available hacking tools and techniques, the administrators can simulate cracking attempts, but within a controlled environments. These vulnerabilities can then be addressed, before their systems are cracked for real.
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