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My Missionary and Cannibals Code

Posted by ilanpillemer 
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avatar My Missionary and Cannibals Code
June 15, 2007 01:51PM
Hi.. Here is how I solved the missionary and cannibals problem in C.

It uses breadth first through a FIFO Queue. The Queue does not accept repeated states (to avoid infinite loops). The Queue stores nodes of the search tree; and so when a solution is found it can print out the solution by tracing back up the tree to the first node. This lends itself to a recursive display algorithm.

#include <stdio.h>
#define L 1
#define R 0

char* boatpos(int boat);
void * malloc (size_t n);

  int c;
  int m;
  int boat;
} typedef worldstate;

  worldstate state;
  void * parent;
  void * next;
} typedef node;

worldstate  suc1(worldstate);
worldstate  suc2(worldstate);
worldstate  suc3(worldstate);
worldstate  suc4(worldstate);
worldstate  suc5(worldstate);

void push(worldstate state, node * current);
node * solve(worldstate init, node * parent);
node * front; 
node * back;
node * begin;
void showsolution(node * solution);

int main()
  worldstate init;		/* set initial state */
  init.c = 0;
  init.m = 0;
  init.boat = R;
  node * solution;
  if (solution = solve(init,NULL))
      printf("Solution to Missionary and Cannibals Problems\n"winking smiley;
      printf("CM[LR] - C is #Cannibals M is #Missionaries [LR] is bank with boat..\n"winking smiley;
      printf("For initial state 00R and Goal State 33L\n\n"winking smiley; 
    printf("no solution.\n"winking smiley;
  node * cleanup = begin;
  while (cleanup != NULL)
      node * tmp;
      tmp = cleanup;
      cleanup = cleanup->next;

void showsolution(node * solution) /* Recursive diplay of solution as
				      it has the unwound from the
				      solution */
  if (solution->parent != NULL)

char* boatpos(int boat)
  char * retval = (char *) malloc(2); 
  retval[0] = boat ? 'L' : 'R';
  retval[1] = '\0';
  return retval;

int forbidden(worldstate current) {
    ((current.c > current.m && current.m != 0)
     (current.m > current.c && current.m !=3)) {
    return 1;
  return 0;

int goal(worldstate * current)
  if ((current->c == 3)   
      (current->m == 3)
      (current->boat == L))
      return 1;
    return 0;

worldstate suc1(worldstate state)
  if (state.boat == L) {
    if (state.c > 0) {
      state.boat = R;

  else if (state.boat == R) {
    if ((state.c) < 3) {
      state.boat = L;
  return state;

worldstate suc2(worldstate state)
  if (state.boat == L) {
    if (state.c > 1) {
      state.boat = R;
  else if (state.boat == R) {
    if ((state.c) < 2) {
      state.boat = L;
  return state;

worldstate suc3(worldstate state)
  if (state.boat == L) {
    if (state.m > 0) {
      state.boat = R;
  else if (state.boat == R) {
    if ((state.m) < 3) {
      state.boat = L;
  return state;

worldstate suc4(worldstate state)
  if (state.boat == L) {
    if (state.m > 1) {
      state.boat = R;
  else if (state.boat == R) {
    if ((state.m) < 2) {
      state.boat = L;
  return state;

worldstate suc5(worldstate state)
  if (state.boat == L) {
    if ((state.m > 0) && (state.c > 0)) {
      state.boat = R;
  else if (state.boat == R) {
    if ( (state.m) < 3  && (state.c)< 3 ) {
      state.boat = L;
  return state;

int empty();
node * dequeue();
node * solve(worldstate state, node * parent)
  push(state , parent);	
  if (goal(&(front->state)))
      return front;
      while (!empty()){

	if (goal(&(front->state)))
	  return front;
	else { 
	  if (!forbidden(suc1(front->state))) push(suc1(front->state), front);
	  if (!forbidden(suc2(front->state))) push(suc2(front->state), front);
	  if (!forbidden(suc3(front->state))) push(suc3(front->state), front);
	  if (!forbidden(suc4(front->state))) push(suc4(front->state), front);
	  if (!forbidden(suc5(front->state))) push(suc5(front->state), front);

node * dequeue()
  return front;

int empty() {
  return (front==NULL)?1:0;

int equals(worldstate lhs, worldstate rhs);
void push(worldstate state, node * parent)
  /* Check if state has already been added.... if so do not add. */
  node * t;
    if (equals(state,t->state)) return;
  node * new = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
  new->parent = parent;
  if (front == NULL && back == NULL) { 		/* Init */
    new->next = NULL;
    front = back = begin = new;
      new->next = NULL;
      back->next = new;
      back = new;

int equals(worldstate lhs, worldstate rhs)
  if ((lhs.c == rhs.c)   
      (lhs.m == rhs.m)
      (lhs.boat == rhs.boat))
      return 1;
    return 0;

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