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mov ah,0ah, where does it go?

Posted by laurence 
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mov ah,0ah, where does it go?
June 10, 2007 09:43PM
I have got myself in a muddle using the mov ah, 0ah to get input. Can someone please follow my logic and see where I am going wrong.

input: db 20
db 0
resb 20 ; so I reserve space for 20 bytes/characters

mov ah,0ah
mov dx,input
int 21h ; then I call the interrupt, which seems to work

after this I cannot work out how to access the input. I would like to
mov dx,input
mov ah,09
int 21h
So that I can check the input, but this just displays garbage. How would I display what I have just put into input?

Re: mov ah,0ah, where does it go?
June 13, 2007 04:59PM
When u read stuff back out you need to translate it back from ASCII. You are also missing a jmp main statement so you'll be executing your stored data intead of the program.
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